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2000-11-16 - 17:02:30
nothing you can do that can't be done

Tonight, our dorm is hosting something called "Midnight Madness." As a Rocky Horror person, I am more than a little amused by this. Apparently, hot chocolate and s'mores will be involved, so that's good.

Now that my last stupid damn Humanities paper is done, I feel lighter... until I have to start working on the *next* stupid damn Humanities paper, that is. The topics just get worse, but one of the options this time is to come up with your own, so maybe I will. It occurred to me that there are some fascinating parallels between Socrates and Antigone in the way each of them faces the "sacrifice" they will make, and the way each wins the struggle -- they don't fear death, so their opponents lose the power to punish them.

Actually, what I'd *really* like to do is a more sprawling piece on that theme, tracing through all three Theban Plays (see not only Antigone, but Tiresias in Oedipus Rex and Oedipus himself in Oedipus at Colonus), through the trial of Socrates, through, yes, Jesus[1], and onwards through time with whatever other examples occur to me in my mental wanderings, all the way up to Obi-Wan ("If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine") Kenobi.[2]

Perhaps more on that later. I'm hella phatty hungry.

(Hm. This year is going to be my first Thanksgiving as a vegetarian... a lonely little veggie, too. Even my allegedly veggie uncle eats turkey on Thanksgiving. But hey, I'm going home for Thanksgiving, and not everyone up here can say that.)

Parenthetically yours...

[1] Hey, I didn't start it. People have been bringing up the Jesus thing in class for the past week. It beats the Godwinized comparisons that people kept making with Pericles in the week before that.

[2] Don't laugh. Think about it for a minute.

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

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