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2000-11-20 - 21:10:24
this is not a pipe

Patterns are already forming: I write for a while about something interesting, say that I'll probably pick up the subject again in the next entry, and never do so. Although I will likely have more to say about Socrates before the semester's through.

My Humanities conference teacher says that the semicolon and I need to take a little break. Slow things down a bit. See other punctuation marks. It's not that there's no future for me and the semicolon, it's just that I'm a little too young to be making this kind of commitment.

(Actually, I think I've been pretty light on the semicolons here. You'd have to read some of my more academic writing to see the full extent of our relationship. My main nemesis in this current style of casual writing would be the sentence fragment and the use of a conjunction at the beginning of a sentence, neither of which I really care to eliminate. A little grammatical irregularity never killed anyone, and if it becomes a habit that threatens to sneak into my schoolwork, that's what MS Word grammar-check is good for.) (That's pretty much the *only* thing MS Word is good for.)

I showed my working floorplan and elevation for my final set design project to our teacher today, and he basically told me I could make a cool set but I had to take out everything about my idea that I really liked and had to a large extent built the design around. So that was a little irritating. There were some things about it that he didn't understand and I finally just gave up on trying to explain what I was representing with certain things and how you couldn't see certain aspects in the 2-d b/w drawing, but they would be there in the final colour model.

He's right about most of his suggestions, of course, but it's a little annoying that the one aspect of the design that drew me to choosing this play for the project in the first place, and that I'd included in a way that I was rather happy with, had to go.

Meanwhile... Here's a promise of future entries that I *will* keep: Now that I know several people read this, I think I'll have to go hella meta in the near future and set down some Policy for what you will and will not find here. It will be quick and won't hurt much. So look for that within the next week or so.

Wow, check it out. No footnotes.

(I did just notice, however, that in the second paragraph I seem to have opted not to use a semicolon where one actually would have been appropriate, perhaps even necessary. Heh. Oh well.)

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

test - 2017-10-08
boing - 2003-06-07
walk walk trudge trudge slog slog travel travel - 2003-05-21
ob-la-di - 2003-05-18
not dead. - 2002-12-08

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