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2000-12-31 - 18:39:56
but you know what? i've learned something today.

December 31st, 9 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, I can't believe a year went by so fast; time to see what we have left to see.

First shot Portland, where 114 days went by like an hour...

Whee. I can definitely believe that it's been a year since last New Year's, but what I can't get my mind around is that my first semester at college is already over. Time there is something very different from Outside World Time. At the end of a day, the events of the morning seem like they were several days ago, but on a Friday, it seems like the whole week went by in a day. It comes, I think, from always having something to do.

Some of the people who seemed the most interesting and fun at the very beginning of the year got less interesting, and a good bit less cool, as the semester wore on. Some of the people who were just at the fringes of my awareness at first turned out, after a couple months, to be valuable friends. I got hit on by all the wrong people and really managed to surprise myself a couple times with the people I decided to have big, silly crushes on.

I learned an awful lot of stuff about the Ancient Greeks, set design and drafting, audition techniques, political advertising, small town America, the electoral process, the Bible, sociological theory, party drugs, Japan, the Honor Principle, and how to be a conservative while sounding like a liberal. I probably learned something about myself while I was at it. I'll figure out what that was with a bit more time for hindsight.

I just realized the other reason I can't seem to do the Year In Review starting from the actual start of this year (the first reason being that college has been so different from anything I've done before, so the real change this year took place in mid-August). I still count years from the start of the school year, so everything that happened in 2000 up to that point was "last year." Wasn't really much, anyway, the only significant events being finding a new theatre for the cast, losing the theatre, and breaking up the cast. So there's the extremely short summary. My main regret at the ending of the cast is never getting to do our Trannie choreography. ^_^

I don't know what else I want to say. It's been a good year. I got some good stuff done, I made some new friends, and as far as I can recall, I didn't lose any old ones. I am now bade to get in the car to go have dinner with my parents, so I guess I'll go do that. Thanks for reading. See you next year.

[edited 1/1/03]

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

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