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2001-01-14 - 12:13:59

Happy new year, possums. Forgive my absence of the last fortnight, I've been lousy with 'flu and my home computer decided to conk out. Now I'm back in the dorm and only slightly sniffly, I thought I'd better update. I think it'll be a catch-all entry today...

Plans just in case if it Gets That Bad in the next four years:

1) Canada. One of my grandmothers lives in Toronto, and would be happy to put me up in her apartment if I needed to get the hell out of the U.S. My father points out that that'll be just fine until Bush decides it's time to annex our neighbors to the north. ;> In which case it's off to

2) Europe. My father favors Switzerland, which one of his friends escaped to years ago. I'd rather go to England, because England is cool. In any case, it'll be good to have

3) a non-American passport. I'm looking into registering for Irish citizenship, for which all you need is the proper degree of Irish ancestry. I have to do some double-checking into my family tree to figure out whether I qualify. The U.S. is kind of a bitch about dual citizenship, according to someone I know who's obtained one (coming to the U.S. from another country), but they permit it. The more travel options, the better...

If you don't have any Irish in you, but you have a nice little nest egg, you can try Belize. In this courtesan of a commonwealth, if you have 40,000 bucks, you can be a citizen (there's a nice sleazy page on it here -- would you buy a used citizenship from this country?). They'll only reject your application in two cases: If you have a criminal record with Interpol, or if you test positive for HIV.

Hey, I don't know either, that's just what it says. They don't require you to come anywhere near their country to purchase a Belizean citizenship for a tax dodge, but if you have AIDS, they can't have you associated with their country -- you might be some kind of moral degenerate.

...That ended somewhere different from where it started.

I'm alone in the dorm today. (By "the dorm" I mean the first two floors, which are a separate dorm from the third -- I'm not going to go into the architectural details today.) I appear to be the first one to get back from break. Later this afternoon, the flood of people should start. I was enjoying the rare quiet for a while, but I eventually had to put the radio on. Perhaps I'm developing my mother's aversion to silence.

Dude, CCR is a sweet band.

Y'know, I don't want to sound like a queer or nothin', but I think "Cannibal! The Musical" kicks ass.
I think I'll go see "This Is Spinal Tap" today. I feel like I should be doing something else, but I think that's just the feeling that sets in when I arrive at school. There are Paideia classes today, but I'm not really interested in any of them.
Say, does anybody have any ideas for cool-looking ways to destroy a computer? I'm looking for something creative and unusual, not necessarily at all violent. Let me know if anything comes to mind.

[edited 1/1/03]

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

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