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2001-03-10 - 02:34:28
I know you called, I know you called, I know you hung up

Okay, I should be sleeping, but I'm too creeped out. I just came in after brushing my teeth when my phone rang (note time of entry: about 2:30 *A.M.*) and I had the following conversation (slightly abridged, since I'm reporting from memory):

Me (surprised): ...Hello?

Creepy Arrogant Guy Whose Voice I Didn't Recognize: Hi.

Me (supposing it's someone I know, since I don't always recognize voices): Hello...

Creepy Guy: What's up?

Me: Who's this?

Creepy Guy: You know who it is.

Me: No, I don't. Who am I talking to?

Creepy Guy: Who am I talking to?

Me: I think you have the wrong number.

Creepy Guy: No, I don't. Who's this?

Me (who knows perfectly well not to give strangers her name on the phone): ...This is extension 4952.

Creepy Guy: Yeah, it is. I have the right number. What's going on?

Me: Who are you?

Creepy Guy: Who are you?

Me: (hangs up)

So, what the fuck was that all about? I called the switchboard to see if they had the resources to trace it, which, of course, they don't. Star-69ing the guy wouldn't help, since I'd just get the guy answering his phone and creeping me out some more.

So if you're the creepy guy who doesn't know my name who called me at 2:30 A.M. for reasons that are utterly obscure to me, cut it the fuck out. Thanks.

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

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