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2001-03-18 - 00:23:18
bdtd, got the t-shirt

Indeed do many things come to pass. I have found myself a little island of peace in the midst of the various crises all around... Today was the Shinsakai (Aikido competition) that I'd been stressing over a bit, and we didn't do so badly; my partner and I finished 14th or 15th out of 18, but we were up against brown belts and purple belts, so that actually means we did decently well among the competitors in our actual skill level (everyone from white belts to first brown belts competed in one division). Anyway, I felt good about it. I feel good now.

So, I ought to elucidate the comments made in the last entry, but since I am in a nice, peaceful mood, I'm not going to explore this latest crisis-ridden fortnight in any great detail. I will just say that Hunter S. Thompson is right about March, and that we need to put a stop to all these grandparents dying. (I was going to say put a moratorium on it, but that would be a very terrible way of putting it.) So far, one friend's grandmother (who seems to have been the real matriarch of the family) has died very suddenly, another friend's grandmother had a stroke (this friend already lost her grandfather last semester), and yet a third friend's grandmother is probably not long for this world, I don't remember why--probably another stroke. As I've mentioned before, my own grandmother is on the decline, and though she has her good and bad days, my father tells me she might be really really on the decline now--but the old dame's faked us out so many times now, I'm not sure how much I believe that prognosis. ^_^

Also, of course, everyone is having all manner of smaller personal crises. Psycho parents, relationship issues, intoxicated trips to the hospital. Personally, of late I've been continuing my time-honoured trend of falling in love with unavailable people (how's that for cryptic? sorry, that's all the information I trust the Web Browsing Public At Large with[1]), which is not quite a full blown crisis, but it sure is starting to piss me off.

I guess I gave the crises more column-inches than I was planning to. Well, it's good to set some of that stuff down, anyway. Get it out of my system and set it aside so I can relax during spring break. Now, if I can persuade my aching legs to stay in a kneeling position, I'm gonna meditate for a while and then go to sleeep.

[1] "...up with which I will not put."

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

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boing - 2003-06-07
walk walk trudge trudge slog slog travel travel - 2003-05-21
ob-la-di - 2003-05-18
not dead. - 2002-12-08

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