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2001-04-09 - 12:07 a.m.
you can take the girl out of the soap opera

Oh, there is so much drama, and so little that I am at liberty to say about it. So just assume the presence of soap opera in order to have some understanding of what it's like up here right now--substitute appropriate concrete examples from your own experience, if you like.

I should be working right now. I am tending to do less and less of my work these days, creeping more towards the "just-getting-by" mark. I find, after all, that I learn so much more in nearly every other activity I take part in than I do from my schoolwork. I'm supposed to be revising a long paper for my music class, which is due tomorrow (::looks at clock:: er, today, actually) at noon. I've done all the minor corrections, but I have more "global" comments to address as well--reordering of sections of the paper, and the addition of a bit more material. I have a feeling I'll be skipping the Hum lecture tomorrow (which is about, like, Ethiopian phalli on Roman mosaics anyway--I mean, come on) to finish working on this. I have another paper due on Tuesday for which I have a good idea what I'm going to write; i.e., lots of bullshit. Oh yeah, and if I'd had any sense, I would have done my taxes this weekend. Shite.

Now, before you judge, take note that it really is crunch time up here. We have only a few weeks of classes left. It's not such a surprise that people seem to be getting a head start on their Sophomore Slump.

::sigh:: Okay. What I'm going to do is go to bed, get up early in the morning and work on the damned paper as much as I can up till the last minute. I know I have sufficient paper-writing skillz to turn in an acceptable paper with a less than optimum amount of work, and there are more important things than turning in a *really good* paper. Like taking care of one's health. Or making new friends, or learning more from and about the ones you have. All of these things, plus some more complicated concerns, have distracted me severely from my schoolwork lately. Somehow I don't feel too bad about that.

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

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