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2001-04-17 - 00:27
procrastinate later

As usual, I'm supposed to be working. The situation's not as dire now, though. Dude, I'm gonna get *such* sleep during the day tomorrow after my morning class. After which I will give a more detailed explanation of the two things I'm supposed to be working on right now, since each is rather interesting in its own way.

This brings me to something that I've been pondering for a while. I know from the SiteMeter stats that this site has a small but regular audience, most of whom are friends of mine from and/or residing in the bay area. So far as I know, nobody at my school knows this diary exists, but that'll eventually change for one reason or another, and then the aspects of my personal life that already get scare enough mention here will probably disappear completely.

So that leaves me with the question I've really had since the beginning: How the hell do you keep a diary where you don't talk about your personal life? (This guy seems to do quite a fine job of it, but then, it would appear he doesn't really *have* a love life to speak of--but then, neither do I...) The scattered social observations, random slices-of-life, and semi-weblogging effluvia that have characterized this diary since October are apparently able hold the interest of, like, nine people who know me, and that's nice to know. I'd like to make this into something that could theoretically hold the interest of someone who wasn't already my friend. I'd like to take the time to write up the opinion pieces that I've promised, but never delivered, in the past.

I'd like to work on this at a time of day when I'm *not* supposed to be working, and it's *not* the middle of the night. Sometime when I have time to revise, reread, construct a really interesting piece of writing.

So there is the State of the Journal. Reform, I hope, is on its way. If not in the next days, then in the next weeks, as or after school draws to a close... Stay tuned.

[edited 1/1/03]

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

test - 2017-10-08
boing - 2003-06-07
walk walk trudge trudge slog slog travel travel - 2003-05-21
ob-la-di - 2003-05-18
not dead. - 2002-12-08

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