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2001-04-30 - 12:34 p.m.
and stuff.

I can't believe my first year of college is basically over--just finals left to go. No classes this week so that people can have time to study. (And recover from last weekend's end-of-school-year festivities.) I don't know what to do with myself up here if I don't have any deadlines to meet. I don't remember a thing I did during reading week last semester. Probably be spending a lot of time in Powell's. I'm gonna miss that place when I go home.

I just went to the Hunger Site and there's a banner ad there that says "Lose 10 Pounds By May 28th."

Almost there! If you are lucky visitor number 666 (check the counter below), email me for your fabulous prize. (And if you would be so kind as to make a screen capture, I'd love to have that for my files.)

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

test - 2017-10-08
boing - 2003-06-07
walk walk trudge trudge slog slog travel travel - 2003-05-21
ob-la-di - 2003-05-18
not dead. - 2002-12-08

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