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2001-04-30 - 1:30 p.m.

This past weekend was a jam-packed one, it was. Friday was the last day of actual classes. The last Humanities 110 lecture was fuckin' awesome. (Humanities[1] 110, for those of you who need a little review in the rather dull trivia of my life, is the course that all the freshmen have to take.) The tech person played videos up till it was time to get the lecture started, including, of course, AYBABTU. Quite a few people had already started, er, partying in anticipation of the coming weekend's festivities, inaccurately dubbed Renn Fayre.

And as the poor, brave lecturer, one of the "stars" of the Hum 110 faculty (and, like most people who are any good in front of an audience, a terrible sufferer from stage fright), prepared to take the podium to tell us about St. Augustine's Confessions, the toga-clad front row stood up, held up a banner saying "Pee-Wee's Secret Word: AUGUSTINE," then doffed their togas. The professor just snapped a picture and started talking. And damned if he didn't get 325 drunken freshmen on their last day of classes to pay attention for almost 40 minutes (after a few paragraphs, everyone even stopped screaming real loud every time he said "Augustine"). He's one of those lecturers (and we have a precious few of them here on the Hum 110 staff, all of whom will be gone on leave next year) who just make you want to wave your lighter in the air when the lecture is over, and we all gave a nice rowdy standing O when he was finished. It's hard to describe the atmosphere in there. As one of the upperclassmen told someone who thought Hum 210 might be similar, "You'll never have a lecture class like that again."

Not much of note happened after that 'till the Thesis Parade in the middle of the afternoon... that's when the seniors turn in their theses (and destroy copies of them in spectacular ways, always including fire). The Religion dept. (to which that morning's lecturer belonged) had put together a huge golden-calf pi�ata full of TestaMints, little plastic animals representing the 10 plagues, Biblical dominoes, Chick tracts, and the like, of which I helped myself to quite a few.

That night I was supposed to go see Sweeney Todd with my friend who's visiting from California and a couple of her friends from the area who were strangers to me, but I was in one of those eh-I-don't-wanna-socialize-with-people-I-don't-know (and pay $20 for the ticket to do so) moods, in addition to being a bit sickly and very tired, and I made my excuses and came back to campus instead. Saw the directing class's final scenes, which were cool. Went out to dinner at Roxie's[2] with some friends--a slightly larger group of friends than it was originally expected to be, but oh well--and had an interesting time. It was an uneven day. Got back in at about 12:30 AM without getting *too* lost. Reports on the rest of the weekend will be forthcoming (scout's honor)...

[1] Heh, I just spelled it Humanitities.

[2] One of the few all-night restaurants in the vicinity. Bit too much smoke, bit of a wait, but the food's OK, and the place has a good personality.

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

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