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2001-05-04 - 4:21 p.m.
no, but sometimes I was right (4pts)

One of my dormies downstairs has, for a good portion of the year, been running a "game" on the whiteboard outside his door. It started out with the benign question "What did I lose?" but rapidly became more and more cryptic, with "questions" like "When I am king," "If not faith ---> grace, then what?" and "IS AM." Responses, he explained, had to somehow address what he'd written on the board in addition to bearing some relation to the psychological state of the respondent. He would assign points up to a predetermined maximum according to... something. How cool he thought the responses were, basically.

Over time, "New Game" has gone through some interesting transformations and occasionally been hijacked by other players. I think I like this game, in all its incarnations, more than anyone else in the dorm does. Could be because I have more points than anyone else. Heh.

The board's been pretty anarchistic the past week or so, but yesterday a marginally legible real question (probably the last one of the year) worth 5 points appeared.

"So, were you correct?"

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

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