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2001-05-04 - 01:26
saturday, what a day, groovin' all week with you

Previously on The Mg't Is Not Responsible, I promised to recount the remainder of "Renn Fayre" festivities of this past weekend, but I'm not sure where to start or end. The whole weekend, as someone observed on Monday, just felt like one long day. Linearity may not be appropriate, but it's probably the only organizational principle I can come up with.

Saturday afternoon we had the Feast, stood in line for a very long time, watched maybe four people (one of whom met with impressive success) try to play jump-rope with an extended Slinky, got lots o' good food, ate in the upstairs social room and wound up with lots of leftovers. A couple of us went out to find our friends who were working Border Patrol to feed them what was left, since they apparently wouldn't get to enjoy the Feast on their shift. We failed to find them, though, until much later when they had already eaten. (It's the thought that counts.) I watched "Robot Wars" (which is indescribable) and the human chess game (which is self-explanatory), but managed to avoid the bug-eating contest (which would have driven me away for humanitarian reasons before the gross-out even set in).

Saturday night we had fireworks and the Glo-Opera--at about 10 PM, people in black clothes and glowy stuff do a very cool show with music and narration from popular faculty members. Again, not particularly describable in text, but this year's was based on Where the Wild Things Are (maybe if I'd been on more illicit substances [i.e., any at all] I'd be able to express its coolness better). Then my visiting friend and I took off to see Rocky at the local cast. The audience was so small that our presence was what allowed them to meet their quota and show the movie. But hey, I like nights like that sometimes. There was no cast (they only have a full show every other week; I'd link to their website but it's always broken), but a couple cast members were around and we bonded with them a bit. I hopped up onstage and did Sweet T, which I've done there a couple times before when there was no cast. Every time I go there, it reminds me how much I miss real performing.

I'm quite fond of the Portland cast. They do things the way I wish more casts would, in that they seem to be governed by the principle that attracted me to Rocky in the first place: Everyone has something to contribute. Maybe some of the costumes wouldn't get the Ruth Fink-Winter Seal of Approval[1], but the vibe can't be beat. It's no wonder they've held onto their theatre for 23 (hail Eris!) years.

Anyway. I started this entry on Wednesday and just let it sit half-finished, and now it's extremely late on Thursday (in fact, it's techinically Friday--and I'm a little disturbed that Diaryland sessions apparently never time out). And really, not much happened on Sunday, so let's call the summary complete. (Well, Dr. Demento did do a show on campus that afternoon, and that was cool, and I found out that he remembers my dad from when they went to school here together, but that's about all there is to say about that.)

Be excellent to each other.

[1] Note that this is not intended to imply any kind of knock against Ruth Fink-Winter. My high tolerance for movie-inaccurate costuming does not diminish the fact that I admire Ms. Fink-Winter greatly and want to have, like, 10,000 of her babies.[2]

[2] Which would probably come as a surprise to her, seeing as she hasn't remembered me any of the times we've met in person. Heh.

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

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walk walk trudge trudge slog slog travel travel - 2003-05-21
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