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2001-06-04 - 10:08 p.m.
sexual harrassment panda

Quote of the day

My mom, indicating a colourful, splashily illustrated nearly-full-page review of Moulin Rouge:

"What's that big ad for?"

So, I am back at my old job at the cinema. Gives me lots of down time to read in between showtimes--I finished two half-read books at work since starting yesterday afternoon (The Zen Commandments by Dean Sluyter and Last Chance to See by Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine). My favorite co-worker, Linda--a lovely, wise, well-read, and almost totally computer-illiterate woman in her sixties--is still working there, and is now a full-time manager. The Wicked Manager of the East who was working there when I left in the fall is gone now, apparently on trumped-up sexual harrassment charges.

(I think it says a lot about the modern workplace, and American society, that they didn't feel they could fire him merely for being incompetent, hostile, and unreceptive to criticism; he had to be sexually transgressive as well. I was not a fan of this manager--nobody was--but I do not believe for a minute that he was guilty of this charge. I worked with him for about a year, and he would never give a box office or concessions worker so much as a pat on the back. If nothing else, we were simply so much lower than he on his perceived food chain that it wouldn't occur to him to be social with us. Anyway, this seems to be the consensus between myself and those who were around at the time of the actual accusation: None of us liked this guy, but he certainly doesn't deserve to have this follow him around for the rest of his career, which it will.)

Anyway, watch this space for my ongoing adventures in the service industry, plus more about my books of the week.

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

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