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2001-10-15 - 15:44
the sense to flee

I couldn't take it anymore, so I went back to the sea
'Cause that's where fishes go when fishes get the sense to flee.

--Live, "Where Fishes Go"

Yeah. I'm at home now. The one where my parents are. I'm using my brother's computer without permission because my dad seems to be doing something weird with mine, judging from the parts all over the desk.

It's really a very good thing that fall break happens right now, because what with the international situation and grieving for the massacre of six thousand of my fellow citizens and trying to figure out what to do when war is the wrong option and the only option and the food that we drop with the bombs doesn't get eaten and the peace movement is a bunch of stupid dirty hippie ideologues with no concept of how to do anything, I was really starting to have some trouble concentrating on my schoolwork.

Now, as I've told so many people over the past couple weeks, I'll be able to have my nervous breakdown in peace.

Sometime before I go back up to school, I'll come back here and explore certain issues in greater detail, like my experiences with the activist community.[1] Right now, I want to send you all to read one more Jon Carroll column and make note of one other group he forgot to mention, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, real heroes for our time who really need our support.

I'd also like to express my lasting gratitude to everyone who's helped me keep it together lately, especially Jay, Joey, and my dad.[2] Love you.

I think I'll go sleep for another sixteen hours now.

[1] "Right! Well, this calls for immediate discussion." (tm Monty Python)

[2] Obviously, my dad does not read this journal (thank god), but he's spent a hell of a lot of hours on the phone with a head-exploding me over the past few weeks, and he deserves credit.

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

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