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2001-11-19 - 20:50
and I'm getting a sore throat, too

Ugh. I pissed a bunch of people off today, without doing much. Not all at the same time, mind you. Most of it I was just doing a bad job of trying to save other people more trouble than they've already got.

Now I've got this paper to work on, and I just. Can't. Do. It. It's not that bad of a paper, either, I've been making good time and I like the subject. But now I look at my books and click through the online sources looking for what to talk about next, and it just doesn't penetrate. I sit and re-read what I've got, and re-spell-check, and do the bibliography, and I can't come up with any new content. I really don't know why. I did a couple bitchy things today that I don't feel so good about, and I had to deal with some frustrating people, but none of it was that bad.

Maybe I'm just having one of those depressive days. Kinda sucks, since it's really more the mania that would come in handy right about now. Come onnnn, racing thoughts.

I sure wish I could afford to blow another evening due to non-functional-ness, but it's due on Wednesday, so I'd better go back to it and see if I can make myself do something. Damn brain.

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

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