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2001-11-30 - 18:14
i read the news today, oh boy

Well, damn.

I assume by now everyone's heard that George Harrison is dead. I'm pretty depressed about this. He was always my favorite Beatle--the quiet one, but also the smart one, the funny one, the weird one. He wrote most of my favorite Beatles songs and had probably the best solo output of any of them. I had a lot of respect and admiration for him as an artist and a human being. He was one of those people who, though I never got the chance to meet them, had a profound effect on my life, and I do feel like I've lost a friend, as the saying goes. I don't know what else to say.

I've just been quietly sad about this all day. He was a really, amazingly together guy, a humble and deeply good-humored human being, and to the best of my understanding he faced his own death with the same equanimity, warmth and inner calm that he brought to everything else in life. In a way, that makes his loss a little easier to deal with.

What can I say? We lost another of the good ones. It's been the year for that. Life's short; love one another.

"I'm grateful to anyone that is happy or free for giving to me hope while I'm looking to see the light that has lighted the world."

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

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