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2001-12-08 - 20:20

Your tax dollars at work. Things like this are why Paul Krassner doesn't have a job anymore.

2001-12-08 - 20:17
recs: watch

::snerk:: I especially recommend the "Child's Play" and "Tales" categories.

2001-12-04 - 16:46
recs: words

There has been a certain amount of fuss and bother recently about "diversity" at our fine institution, by which people mean not enough of the right kind of minorities attending the school.

There's a lot of that going around.

[edited 1/1/03]

2001-12-04 - 16:31
recs: noise

So my old pal Beau played me some of the new demo from his band, Throat Culture. The sound is described on their website as "melodic hard-core;" we've established that I don't know from musical terminology, but they're really good. I mean, really, really good. It's amazing to me that these are all people I went to high school with (well, the line-up's changed of late, but some of them still are) who formed this band in their mid-teens. The lead vocalist on the new tracks, Vanessa Pritchard, just floored me--I remember hearing her sing in the hallway four years ago and going, "Wow, Vanessa has a great voice, I wonder why she doesn't do more singing..."

Joe Bob says check it out. Before long yours truly will be able to earn alternative cred with The Young People by saying, "Oh, yeah, I knew Throat Culture back in the day, I used to go out with their drummer..."

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

test - 2017-10-08
boing - 2003-06-07
walk walk trudge trudge slog slog travel travel - 2003-05-21
ob-la-di - 2003-05-18
not dead. - 2002-12-08

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