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2002-01-22 - 20:03
yeah, long story short...

I feel pretty hopeful about my classes this year. Not so much about my acting class, but I knew that wouldn't really be my cuppa from the beginning, I was just missing the theatre enough to put up with the style of acting instruction that's done here. I feel good about my other new class, U.S. Congress. The teacher is really dorky, but not in a bad way, and he's a real political junkie, which is good. Also good is that this class will actually be *topical*--imagine that, a class here with actual direct relevance to, you know, the outside world.

Today after dinner I was briefly left alone at the table with a friend of mine and we started talking a little about why one of our other friends was in a bad mood, and he unexpectedly brought up some personal stuff that had transpired[1] between the two of us last year, stuff that I'd been wanting to talk to him about at more length but was sort of waiting for him to bring up first. That conversation branched out quickly into other closely related Complicated Things from last year; it was clear to me that this was a subject that he'd also wanted to bring up for a while. We were interrupted by the return of our other friends before we could get very far into it, but we promised to continue the conversation as soon as we could.

Anyway, that was really a good thing, getting at least a start on that conversation. Last year was pretty complicated in all directions, and there was some stuff that never had any sort of resolution or even real discussion. So now that some more time has passed, maybe I'll be able to start sorting this stuff out.[2] I'll be happy to talk more with this person in particular, since I feel I treated him unfairly in the course of some of our weird stuff last year, and I'd like to unburden myself of that.

[1] Or not transpired, rather... it's a long story.

[2] By the way, to any confuzzled acquaintances reading this: Don't worry, this has nothing to do with you.

Edited on 1/23 to remove self-indulgent bids for attention. (Because that has no place in an online journal. Heh.)

[also edited 1/1/03]

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

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boing - 2003-06-07
walk walk trudge trudge slog slog travel travel - 2003-05-21
ob-la-di - 2003-05-18
not dead. - 2002-12-08

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