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2002-02-10 - 19:45
from now on you shall all address me as...

An AIM conversation with my friend Tristan earlier today:

Tristan: You were in my dream last night.
Me: What was I doing?
Tristan: I was at a barbecue and I was talking about hot dogs and you said something about phallic imagery.
Me: ::snerk::
Tristan: I was trying to explain why I liked hot dogs, see....
Me: So I'm the voice of your id now? ;>
Tristan: ...they never serve hot dogs in commons....
Tristan: *LAUGHS*
Me: In a way, that's quite a compliment. ;>
Tristan: How so?
Me: Well, it just speaks to the kind of impression I must give off. ^_^
Tristan: Oh, I see. *hug*
Tristan: All right. Bye, Voice Of My Id, I�m off to get a doughnut.

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

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ob-la-di - 2003-05-18
not dead. - 2002-12-08

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