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2002-03-31 - 17:24
never thinking about where he is! what he is doing!

From Scarlet Lettters:

A couple of decades ago, I read a magazine article about a study done on imaginative people. The author commented, in surprise, that apparently one out of twenty people constantly fantasize whenever they aren't directly involved in something that requires their full attention. At any given time, she said, one in twenty people may be on the planet Mongo. I was surprised, because I was one of those citizens of Mongo; all my "waiting time" is spent lost in some world of my own mental creation. It was also a shock because I was about 12 years old, and it drove home that fact that most people did not think like I did.

Mr. Kaldera and I had somewhat different reactions to this statistic. I had assumed, when I gave the matter any thought, that the way my mind operated put me in a substantially smaller minority than this; it's quite comforting to hear that I share my woolgathering tendencies with a whole five percent of the general population. I imagine that we weirdos are heavily represented among writers especially and to a lesser extent among other creative types--that would seem to make sense.

I do sometimes wonder what other people do with their brains when they're not immediately occupied with anything.

Thought of the day:
[A]s men abound in copiousnesse of language; so they become more wise, or more mad than ordinary.
--Hobbes, Leviathan

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

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