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2002-03-25 - 16:39
april is not the cruelest month...

That would be March.

Funny, I now remember that I felt similarly last year. Right now, things are really fucked up around here, and most of the highly disturbing things are internal school issues that I can't get into for confidentiality reasons. The drug policy is at the forefront again, everyone's sophomore-slumping, and people are doing dishonorable things to innocent mammals. (You think I'm kidding.)

A good friend of mine is taking a medical leave of absence to deal with ongoing depression--a good thing, that. I've been hoping for some time that he'd do whatever was necessary to get his head back together, and this place isn't very conducive to mental serenity. It's sad to see him go, especially since we'd gotten to be closer friends recently, but I'm glad he's trying to sort things out. It's actually one of the least fucked-up things happening at the moment, since it seems actually to be a good idea.

I can certainly understand the impulse to flee; I'm not really 100% here myself. I've been slacking a lot. I did get my shit together for Drag Ball, though, which went rather well. I'm also in the Humanities 110 play (a farcical mess of in-jokes based on the Hum syllabus--it'll be quite funny), the first show I've done here. Much fun. Must memorize lines. Must do reading. Must get shit together. Must convince myself to be interested in schoolwork again.

On a lighter note, Richard O'Brien turns 60 today. It took me a while to find Rocky memorabilia in my closet to wear in his honor, and all I came up with were some pins from my Frank jacket. A year ago, I would've had no trouble finding several things to choose from. Hm.

"No army ever marched in anger wearing fishnet stockings and six-inch high heels." --R. O'B.

I believe in yesterday --- I love ya, tomorrow

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